Phone: 320-256-5160 X 3
Fax: 320-256-4639
Principal: Chad Doetkott
Secretary: Audrey Hiltner

The Melrose Area High School (Grades 9-12) provides a comprehensive educational program that offers courses from college-level math, English, and languages to an extensive vocational program. A wide variety of math and science electives are also offered. Communication classes in German, Spanish, and English are offered, with emphasis on reading, writing, and speaking as a strong concentration. The music programs and art programs are a highlight and are cherished by our students and community. An array of extracurricular activities are currently offered and provide extended social leadership and collaborative skills.
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K-12 Education Credit/Subtraction for School Supplies
High School Guidance Counselor Website
2024-25 Registration Guide
2025-26 Registration Guide
Library/Media Center
2024-25 High School Student Handbook
Guidance Counselor
Shelby Sawyer
Social Worker
Jenny Nietfeld
Social Worker
Kristi Zimmer
School Psychologist
Aly Schultz