School Board
School Board Members:
Eric Seanger, Chair
Becky Feldewerd, Vice Chair
Melissa Poepping, Clerk
Mark Heidgerken, Treasurer
Josh Thieschaefer
Jason Toenyan
Joe Rosenberger
Public Participation in Board Meetings
An Open Forum will be held at 6:30 pm at every regularly scheduled School Board Meeting in the high school media center unless the location or date has been changed according to board policy.
Melrose Area Public Schools (MAPS) welcomes input from citizens as community involvement fosters better decision-making and improved learning experiences for all students. In order to maintain a consistent and efficient process for citizen input at board meetings comments will only be allowed during the open forum portion of the board meeting. Individuals who wish to speak to the board regarding a particular matter should attempt to contact the superintendent regarding the matter prior to the meeting as soon as feasible. Individuals are expected to follow MAPS School Board standards for interaction when making comments during the open forum. Additionally, due to board meeting constraints, the board encourages individuals with further comments and concerns that require additional time and information to contact the appropriate district employees.
In all situations, the following guidelines will be applied to public comment.
It should be understood that the board chair controls the meeting. Speakers will be acknowledged by the board chair based on the sign-up sheet completed prior to the start of the meeting. Speakers will be asked to offer their name, relationship to the district, and topic for discussion. All comments and questions should be directed to the chair.
Because we are modeling civil discourse for our community, speakers must present their testimony in a respectful manner that strives to be positive, constructive, and solution-based. Vulgarity, character attacks, malice, or specific complaints identifying staff or students by name or implication will not be permitted.
The chair may choose not to recognize any speaker in the interests of good order. An example would be when time constraints are such that further questions or comments could unnecessarily prolong a discussion of the item. Open Forum will generally have a 15-minute time limit before the start of the board meeting. If there is no one to speak at the open forum when called upon, the regular board meeting will begin.
Persons representing large groups will be requested to speak first. Groups are encouraged to designate a spokesperson. Individual presentations or comments will be considered next.
Generally, the chair will grant a period of up to three minutes for each individual recognized for comments. The chair may adjust time as deemed appropriate.
The chair will recognize individual speakers who have additional detail or perspective to add to the discussion. Comments repeating ideas that have already been voiced will be discouraged or ruled out of order
Individual speakers will generally be afforded one opportunity to address the board.
Comments directed at an individual or which are of a confidential or personal nature are not appropriate. Discussion of personnel or other items governed by data privacy is to be avoided.
The board will not ordinarily act on any questions or requests that are not a part of the meeting agenda. The board will listen to any requests or comments and may ask further questions to clarify the request. At a citizen's request, an issue will be considered for a future board agenda.
Individuals addressing the school board should stand and be recognized by the school board chair.
Unless the school board chair has authorized the interaction, individuals should not address the board.
Individuals are asked to identify themselves for the board and state their reason for addressing the board.
Individuals addressing the board should be residents of the MAPS.
Individuals will speak from the podium provided at the school board meeting.
Comments to the school board and at the meeting should be:
Positive friendly, welcoming, professional, valuable
speak clearly, offer ideas, and contribute to the discussion
Respectful civil, caring, considerate, understanding, polite, courteous
Speak in open fashion, follow guidelines and standards
Appropriate suitable, fitting, decent, honorable, applicable
use appropriate tone and language