Superintendent Update 5/18/2020
It is hard to believe that Memorial Day weekend is on the horizon. Some reminders as we wind down the year. This is the last week for new instruction for grades K-8. The focus following this week will be for teachers to reach out to those students and families to get those that have fallen behind caught up to be successful for next fall. Hopefully with this focus on those students they will get more special attention to their academic engagement. Once again we recognize the difficulty with these at risk students and will make every effort to help them to succeed.
We posted the 2020-2021 school calendar on the website that was approved by the School Board last week in a special board meeting. Although we do not know at this point what fall will look like, starting early will not change
A quick reminder of our regular School Board meeting tonight. A Zoom address has been posted for the regular School Board meeting on the school website. We will also hold the Open Forum at 6 p.m on Monday before the Regular Board Meeting via Zoom. Open Forum runs from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The address for Open Forum has also been posted on our website.
Graduation plans have been shared out with students and parents last week. We are making every possible adjustment to the traditional graduation that meets the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) guidance we received last week. Students are already coming to do their individual walk across the stage and receive their diploma. All of these individual walks will be spliced together and streamed out from our website the night of May 29. We will also be having a parade through town and pending MDE approval, students will walk across the bridge on the SW corner of our school complex. Although all of this will not replace the traditional graduation, we are hoping it will still mark the end of their educational career in a memorable and classy way.
Greg Winter, Superintendent