Superintendent Update 8/17/2020
The most important message I want to convey at this time is our model for starting this year. We will be planning to open up with All Students In Person Model at the Elementary (PreK-5) and the Hybrid Model at the Secondary (Grades 6-12) on August 31. There is little data out there to cause a change in this plan in the next couple of weeks. We will have by this afternoon our comprehensive Safe School Plan posted on our Website. This comprehensive plan should mirror much of the information that has been shared out over the last 4 weeks. We understand it has been a long, arduous journey this summer and we know there are more challenges ahead. The plan we are putting forward will help guide you in the upcoming school year. Please note that plans can change quickly and we will get this information out to you as soon as we can.
I have received many questions from parents and students over the past three weeks. There has been one that has come up a number of times that I would like to address. No one will require students to get a COVID-19 test. We would leave those decisions up to the parents and staff. If a student exhibits many of the symptoms of COVID-19, we would recommend a parent to have their child tested but will not require it.
I would also direct you to our website. If given the opportunity you may want to listen to my latest radio interview that has been posted on our website. Discussed in this interview are many of the topics that may answer your questions or perhaps spur more questions you may have. Certainly send any questions my way that you have from topics that were covered in this radio interview.
If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me or any of the building principals.
Greg Winter, Superintendent:
Chad Doetkott, High School Principal:
Robert Anderson, Middle School Principal:
Terryl Pearson, Elementary School Principal: