We are beginning to see a steady decline in the county numbers. As I stated to the Incident Command team this past week we need to ā€œstay on course and stay vigilant.ā€  Everything that we are doing now to slow down the spread of COVID-19 from wearing masks/social distancing to getting as many people as quickly as possible vaccinated will continue to cause the numbers to decline. 

The number this past week is 31.88.  Currently, projections for next week show this number to continue a modest decline.  

Most of our staff have had the opportunity to receive the vaccine.  CentraCare along with Stearns County has been very generous in allowing our staff the opportunity to receive the vaccine. With more and different varieties of vaccines soon to be available to the public, this will allow not only our schools but all of the communities in our district to return to normal.  

We continue the roll-in process this week to bring our students back to school on a full-time basis:

We will continue with all of our current mitigation practices to keep our buildings safe.  The most important practice is to make sure all students and staff wear a face covering that covers their mouth and nose. 

 If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me or any of the building principals.  

 Greg Winter, Superintendent: gwinter@isd740.org

Chad Doetkott, High School Principal cdoetkott@isd740.org

Robert Anderson, Middle School Principal randerson@isd740.org

Terryl Pearson,  Elementary School Principal tpearson@isd740.org