We did not have a Stearns County Public Health meeting last week. We did find out from information shared with us from CentraCare last week, the positivity rate is still in the low 30ā€™s.  The transmission rate with the Omicron virus is very high.  If you follow the numbers on the jwolfson site you will see the effect of this virus. In one week the number in our school ā€œdistrictā€ went up 10 fold. This past week there was only a small increase. There is a sense of cautious optimism the current peaking numbers will quickly subside. 

Please continue to do anything that you can to slow the spread of this latest variant. This would be very beneficial to our health organizations and for those needing health services not related to the pandemic. 

We will continue to monitor the weather this week.  Although there does not appear to be any snowstorms in the forecast, we continue to deal with some very arctic air.  Please make sure your children are properly dressed as you send them off to the bus stop or off to school in their vehicles. 

February 25, 2022, will be an E-Learning Day. 

Also, please note a ā€œdraftā€ of the 2022-2023 school calendar has been posted on our website.  This draft can be found by going to the menu and noting it is listed under district information. We have made some subtle changes to the calendar.  If you have any questions or comments on the calendar please email me.  

 If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me or any of the building principals.  

 Greg Winter, Superintendent: gwinter@isd740.org

Chad Doetkott, High School Principal cdoetkott@isd740.org

Robert Anderson, Middle School Principal randerson@isd740.org

Terryl Pearson,  Elementary School Principal tpearson@isd740.org