We did have a Stearns County Public Health meeting this past week. If you have been following the numbers on the jwolfsin site, we are definitely in a downward trend. Health officials in our session were also optimistic that the number would continue to go down. However, we were told to be cautious about this shifting baseline. It is still a very high number and we have to make sure we have a flexible response in case the number does go up again.
In our session, we were also told that 98% of the people currently in the hospital due to COVID are unvaccinated. Please continue to do what you get to keep the numbers going down.
A couple of other reminders:
If you are not aware there is a site to order free at-home COVID tests. The website is https://www.covidtests.gov/. It may take a week or two to receive the tests. All information needed is on this website.
We did receive our allotment of KN95 masks. They are only for Grade 6-12 students and all staff members. Have your child in Grade 6-12 either talk to their teacher or building principal if they would like to get one of these masks.
February 25, 2022, will be an E-Learning Day.
Also, please note a ādraftā of the 2022-2023 school calendar has been posted on our website. This draft can be found by going to the menu and is listed under district information. We have made some subtle changes to the calendar. This final draft of the calendar will go to the School Board at the February 28 meeting. If you have any questions or comments on the calendar please email me.
Get Vaccinated/Get your booster
Wear a Mask
Social Distance when possible
Stay Home if you are Sick
If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me or any of the building principals.
Greg Winter, Superintendent: gwinter@isd740.org
Chad Doetkott, High School Principal cdoetkott@isd740.org
Robert Anderson, Middle School Principal randerson@isd740.org
Terryl Pearson, Elementary School Principal tpearson@isd740.org