If you have been continuing to monitor the jwolfson there continues to be a marginal increase in the number of COVID-19 cases within our geographic school district. This marginal increase has been connected to the subvariant of the Delta virus as described last week. So far, this has not been identified as a growing concern within our district or our buildings. 

When planning for a bond referendum, a district will get as much information out to the public as possible.  Leading up to the vote on August 9 we will have community meetings around the area to make it convenient for people to ask questions.  At the same time, we will begin to put information on our website about the proposed projects. There will also be information on the tax impact the projects will have on individual homeowners.  A tax calculator will a part of this component on our website when we get it up and running.  I will let you know when this information becomes available.

As part of this process, I want to make sure that everyoneā€™s questions are answered.  If at any time you have a question about the process do not hesitate to call me or send an email to the address you see below.  I would like to start a frequently asked question component on the website.  Any question that is posed to me and published on the website will remain anonymous. 

If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me or any of the building principals.  


Greg Winter, Superintendent: gwinter@isd740.org

Chad Doetkott, High School Principal cdoetkott@isd740.org

Robert Anderson, Middle School Principal randerson@isd740.org

Terryl Pearson,  Elementary School Principal tpearson@isd740.org