Although we have not had a positive case in our buildings for quite a while, the jwolfson site does show a significant increase this past week. This past week our geographic district went from 23.2 all the way up to 82.8. The site now breaks the district down into different zones.  The southeast zone shows the highest number of positive cases. Our district did increase to the middle range when compared to all districts in the State of Minnesota.  

At the school board meeting tonight (4/25), the school board will consider the resolution for the calling of the election and setting the ballot. The bond election will take place on August 9, 2022.

On our website, we will have all of the election information. 

I want to continue to make a standing offer on my part to be in attendance at the request of any individual or group of people that have questions on the bond referendum. I want to keep my calendar fairly open for the summer to attend to any requests. I do have standing meetings on my calendar so I cannot grant every request but I would like the opportunity to see if any other date would work.

If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me or any of the building principals.  


Greg Winter, Superintendent:

Chad Doetkott, High School Principal

Robert Anderson, Middle School Principal

Terryl Pearson,  Elementary School Principal