Looking for something fun to do on Saturday night? Attend the Concert for a Cause at the Sauk Centre Bandshell in Sinclair Lewis Park on August 26th from 6-9pm! This event will have music and vendors, so bring your lawn chair and your sweet tooth. The concert is free and a portion of the vendor's proceeds will be donated to the boys and girls swim teams. Hope to see you there!
Are you planning to attend this year's Food For Thought Fundraiser on Sept. 9, 2023 from 4-10pm? If so, please RSVP by Friday, Aug. 25th so that food can be ordered. This year, the Melrose FFT Team will be helping Albany Elementary School start a program! Donations are welcome. RSVP at: dbeste@famofeeds.com
Support our Girls & Boys Soccer Teams and enjoy Tacos on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 from 2-6pm! This food truck will be parked on the grass north of the playground. Yum!
The Application for Educational Benefits is now available in Spanish & English on our website! Fill out this form to benefit your family and our school: https://www.isd740.org/page/free-and-reduced-lunch-application
Did you get your Gold Card? These gems are being sold by the Dutchmen Football Team for $25/card. All football players are selling cards until Thursday, Aug. 24, 2023! Support our team & get your Gold Card today. Contact Head Coaches Mr. Noll or Mr. Glasener if you need a card: cnoll@isd740.org or vglasnener@isd740.org.
Are you age 55+? Do you enjoy interacting with children? Would you like to be a Foster Grandparent? There are current openings in schools and Head Starts and other non-profit sites. The Central MN Foster Grandparent Program 16-county area includes: Otter Tail, Wilken, Grant, Pope, Douglas, Todd, Stearns, Wadena, Stevens and Traverse. Benefits include tax-free cash and mileage reimbursement. For more information, contact Pat at: 320-293-0682 or pat.scherf@ccstcloud.org
Wondering about the student names on your new Dutchmen calendar? Most of the Team Photos can be found on our TouchPros site. This site is accessible from our school website on the Activities/Athletics page. Or go to: https://dutchmen.touchpros.com/Home2.aspx
Are you excited for our Fall Musical? We hope all participants know they can register now, and auditions will be held on September 6th and 7th. The title of the show will be announced at a later date!
We handed out over 160 Chromebooks today! Please fill out Technology Use Forms, and get your chromebook tomorrow or Thursday! We're hoping to hand out even more chromebooks and beat today's number!
Treat yourself to some Dutchmen gear with this clothing order! Remember, this store closes on Sept. 4th. https://www.midwestscreenprint.com/dbc-2023
The Dutchmen Explorers' Club is hiring for the 2023-24 school year! Flexible scheduling - will work around sports schedules! Applications are online at: isd740.org/DEC
We have a good start on registrations for Fall Sports, but we need more students to sign up! Get your friends to register too! Athletes cannot participate until registration is complete. https://melrose1550a.cf.affinetysolutions.com/
Our Speech Team had an excellent trip to Valleyfair this week!
As we prepare for the 2023-24 Dutchmen Sports Season, please remember to turn in your athlete's Sports Physical. Copies can be faxed to school at 256-4311, or emailed to the Activities Office - jruoff@isd740.org or hberscheit@isd740.org. Physicals expire after three years. We recommend getting sports physicals before 7th and 10th grades.
Ready to begin Fall Sports? The following sports begin practice on August 14th: Girls Tennis, HS Boys Soccer, HS Girls Soccer, Cross Country, HS Football, HS Volleyball, Girls Swim/Dive. Get registered! https://melrose1550a.cf.affinetysolutions.com/
Thank you to all the participants, parents and coaches who attended last night's Pre-Season Meeting! Orlando Ponce had a great message about how being involved in sports and being part of team can positively affect all aspects of life. We're looking forward to another great Dutchmen year!
Please join us tonight for our Pre-Season Meeting with speaker, Orlando Ponce, at 6:30pm in the auditorium! This meeting is for all students in grades 7-12, and their parents, who are planning to participate in an activity this year. Unable to make the meeting? Please get registered at: https://melrose1550a.cf.affinetysolutions.com/
We are the Dutchmen! The mighty, mighty Dutchmen! Get your family some Dutchmen gear and support the Dutchmen Booster Club! Order online, and plan to pick up your items on 9/26/23 at the school! Store opens today. https://www.midwestscreenprint.com/dbc-2023
District 740 has the following full-time employment opportunities for the 2023-24 school year: School Nurse, K-6 General Music Teacher/ 7-12 Choir Teacher, and Paraprofessionals. Please use the following link to find more information. https://www.isd740.org/page/employment
Melrose Area Gymnastics is holding a Cash Raffle fundraiser! Tickets are $20 each. Reach out to our Gymnasts for tickets! Raffle will be held at 6pm on August 14, 2023 - need not be present to win! Must be age 18+ to purchase a ticket or win.